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Kiki Cattery

British Shorthair Cattery from Celje Slovenia

Kiki Cattery

We are a cattery for British Shorthairs, Kiki Cattery, from Celje. We have been breeding British Shorthairs since 2009, with registration and membership in the Felinological Society of Ljubljana (FDL), which operates in accordance with the rules of the Federation Internationale Feline (FIFE) and under the auspices of the Association of Felinological Societies of Slovenia (ZFDS).

We wish you lots of enjoyment while browsing our website and viewing the pictures from our cattery!

Our British Shorthairs​

In the past, you could find Kiki kittens in the following color variations: blue, tortoiseshell, lilac, chocolate, black, cream, bicolor, colorpoint, tortoiseshell, and white. Currently, we are focused on blue, tortoiseshell, and blue bicolor colors, but this does not mean we will stick to only these color variations, so feel free to contact us for other colors as well.

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